Tenaya cup
Live results from round 2 (Fana, Feb 21st) can be found here.
Join our low key bouldering cup, suitable for all levels! Participation is free of charge (you only pay entrance as usual), and you may win great raffle prizes, including Tenaya climbing shoes in each round of the cup.
Every second round is hosted in our gyms in Laksevåg and Fana, respectively. There are five rounds each spring (January-May) and autumn (August-December), every fourth Friday.
I cupen vår kan du prøve deg på ruteskruernes utvalgte buldere; 30 stk fordelt på alle vanskelighetsgrader fra lilla til sølv. Man får man testet et bredt spekter av ulike klatrestiler og tekniske utfordringer, og "tvinges" kanskje til å prøve litt ekstra hardt på ting man ikke er så god på;-)
Det blir utfordringer på alle nivå, og trekning av premier hver runde, samt premiering av topp tre sammenlagt for kvinner og menn etter siste runde. Premievinnere legges ut i instastoryen (@bks_fana eller @bergenklatresenter for Fana/ Laksevåg) etter hver runde.
During the cup, you can test yourself on the routesetters' choice of boulders: 30 boulders across all difficulties from purple to silver. You'll get tested on a variety of different climbing styles and technical challenges, and will be "forced" to try extra hard on things you might struggle with;-). There will be boulders at all levels, and prize winners will be drawn randomly from all participants at each event, in addition to prizes to top-3 men and women overall after all 5 events during the autumn. Prize winnners are announced in our insta story (@bks_fana or @bergenklatresenter for Fana/Laksevåg) after each event.
From 8pm- midnight, we will arrange climbing pub (the bouldering stays open until 9pm in Laksevåg/ 10 pm in Fana).
Dates, spring 2025:
Jan, 24th: Laksevåg
Feb, 21st: Fana
March, 21st: Laksevåg
April 25th: Fana
May 23rd: Laksevåg